June 2020

Posted by | June 23, 2020
ගොඩනැගිලි කර්මාන්තයේ ව්‍යවහාරික වචන: මිනුම් ඒකක – “කියුබ් එක”

මෙම ලිපිය කියවීමට ප්‍රථම, මාගේ, ඒකක පිලිබඳ මූලික විග්‍රහයන් සම්බන්ධයෙන් වන ලිපි පෙළ කියවනවා නම් වඩාත් ඵලදායි වේ යැයි සිතමි. ඒ සඳහා වන යොමු පහත පරිදි වේ. http://tdaarchitects.com/2019/12/27/from-tape-to-space-fundamentals-of-spatial-measuring-part-1-introduction/ http://tdaarchitects.com/2020/06/06/from-tape-to-space-fundamentals-of-spatial-measuring-part-2-units/ http://tdaarchitects.com/2020/06/06/from-tape-to-space-fundamentals-of-spatial-measuring-part-3-measuring-tools/...

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Posted by | June 8, 2020
URBAN DEVELOPMENT OF SRI LANKA – Story of Colombo and the role of Architecture: From Chaos to Order: Part 1

COLOMBO: Transformation from a “good woman” to a “trailer park girl” What is Colombo? Let’s start answering that simple question. Colombo, as even the 5th grader knows, is the Commercial...

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Posted by | June 7, 2020
Architecture…..Space……. | අවකාශය……..!

ඔබ සහ මම දිනෙක පස් වන්නේ, අනන්තවූ වාරයක් හුස්ම ගන්නා වූ අවකාශයේම ය. ඈ..... රමණීය ය, බහුරූපීය ය. ඇයගේ රංගනයේ ආකර්ෂණීය වෙස්ගැන්වීම් ප්‍රතිභාපූර්ණය ය.... ඒ මනරම් රංගන වේදිකාව, ස්වාභාවදහමයි..... ඔබගේත්, මගේත්,...

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Posted by | June 7, 2020
FROM TAPE TO SPACE – Representational Drawings

Representational Drawings 2.1          Why we need presentation drawings? The key feature of a Representational drawing is to depict information about: Describe how space might function Describe visual (Colors, details, etc)...

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Posted by | June 6, 2020
FROM TAPE TO SPACE – Fundamentals of spatial measuring: Part 3 – Measuring Tools

Generally, the following shall be in the pack of instruments if you are to measure a site, which makes your measuring more easy and accurate. Measuring Tools Conventional measuring tapes...

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Posted by | June 6, 2020
FROM TAPE TO SPACE – Fundamentals of spatial measuring: Part 2 – Units

1.1          Metric Units Most common and standard unit is the metric unit system, where the base unit is meters (abbreviation "m") according to SI definitions. Meter is defined as "Length...

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